Trump releases letter about his excellent health amid concerns about Biden’s age

US Former President Donald Trump and US President Joe Biden | Credits: AFP via Getty Images
US Former President Donald Trump and US President Joe Biden | Credits: AFP via Getty Images

United States: Former President Donald Trump, the leading Republican candidate for the 2024 presidential elections, conveyed birthday wishes to his opponent, Joe Biden, on his 81st birthday. Trump shared a letter from his physicians affirming the exceptional physical and mental health of the former president.

The letter, provided by Dr Bruce A Aronwald, Trump’s personal doctor since 2021, and based on an examination conducted in September, stated, “I am pleased to report that President Trump’s overall health is excellent.”

Former US President Donald Trump | Credits: Getty Images

Dr Aronwald’s letter further underscored that Trump is currently in excellent health, attributing it to his consistent interest in preventive health monitoring and maintenance, ensuring a healthy and active lifestyle for the foreseeable future. The physician also highlighted normal physical exams, outstanding cognitive assessments, and clear results from cardiovascular and cancer screening tests.

Notably, Trump’s regimen includes weight reduction through an improved diet, regular physical activity, and maintaining a rigorous schedule.

Concerns over Biden’s age among US voters persist despite Trump’s age similarity

While Biden holds the distinction of being the oldest president, reports indicate ongoing concerns among US voters regarding his age, despite the slight age similarity between Biden and Trump. An August poll by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research revealed that 77 percent of US adults, including 69 percent of Democrats, consider Biden too old for the presidency over the next four years. In contrast, only 51 percent, with a mere 28 percent of Republicans, share similar concerns about Trump’s age.

Opponents spotlight Trump’s age amid occasional mistakes

Despite Trump’s doctor’s assurances, opposition voices occasionally highlight Trump’s age, often referencing his recent missteps, such as geographical confusion during a campaign event.

For instance, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, a rival of Trump, remarked during a CNN interview, “The presidency isn’t a role for someone approaching 80 years old.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis | Credits: Getty Images

However, Trump’s physicians have consistently refuted claims regarding his health. Notably, during his initial campaign, a letter claimed Trump to be the “healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,” as per the Associated Press. Subsequently, Dr. Harold N. Bornstien, who attested to the letter, admitted to fabricating the report during a CNN interview in 2018.

Throughout his tenure, Trump’s doctors provided comprehensive health evaluations. Reports from 2018 noted his heart disease, and subsequent 2019 reports indicated his obesity.